So you’ve decided to do something good for yourself and grow some of the veggies on your menu. The world needs more urban farmers, so thank you!
But where to start? What can you grow? Where? What’s the best hydroponic system for you, and what maintenance is required to keep it going?
Don’t worry. We know hydroponics may sound complex at first, so we’ve summarized everything you need to know in this thorough guide to feel successful with your farming project.

1. First things first – Installation Requirements.
- Electricity:
Most hydroponic systems require water circulation by using a pump to allow growth. That’s why choosing a place with an accessible and water-protected electricity point is crucial.
- Level floor or supporting wall
Today’s home hydroponic systems allow wall-mounted and floor-standing setups. Make sure you have a strong and stable surface to bear the weight of a hung system or find a leveled area where the water in the standing system will be able to flow properly.
- Water point (optional)
Although all hydroponic systems include a closed water reservoir that allows for water refills, connecting the system to a permanent water faucet will automatically fill the water with a float assembly.
2. “The Question” – What to Grow?
There is no right answer. Think about your favourite vegetables, the ones you regularly have in the fridge, or those you would like to add to your meals.
The kind of vegetables you grow will determine the hydroponic system best suited to their growth stages and how much access to sunlight they need for photosynthesis.
Please keep in mind plants needing a lot of space to sprawl, climb or grow, like potatoes, carrots, and other root crops or trees and bushes, can’t be planted in most hydroponic systems.
Here are 3 examples of plants and the systems recommended for them.
Knowing the plants’ needs is crucial before choosing a system.

- Fruity vegetables
Fruity veggies need more time than leafy greens and go through the growth, flowering, and fruiting phase.
As they need 5 hours or more of direct sun and more room for their roots - wally, airponic, or tobato systems can be great hydroponic alternatives for them.
- Spices and green vegetables
These crops need relatively little space for their roots, between 2-5 hours of direct sun daily, a little fertilizer, and a little effort. Most hydroponic systems suit them, and they can be ready to harvest for 2 weeks from planting to the beginning of flowering.
- Ornamental plants
Before growing hydroponic ornamental plants, you must know their exact lighting and fertilization needs. Don’t forget to check at the nursery before purchasing the seedlings. Some have little requirements and thrive in the full shade almost without fertilizing.
Usually, the goal with ornamental plants is multi-seasonal and long-term growth, so you can use the tobato or airponic systems (with root monitoring) that allow prolonged root development.
3. The Right System – What to Choose?
Now that you have more information about what you want to grow with which hydroponic method and where you should place the system, it’s time to think about how far you want to take it.
You may be looking to home-grow your greens or seek a significant increase in productivity by using every wall and free area.
Either way, there are 3 different options:
- Build or complete your hydroponic system according to specific measurements (there are plenty of YouTube videos to learn from)
- Buy a DIY kit (online)
- Get a hydroponic system ready to install

4. Hands-On – Ongoing Maintenance
After choosing the perfect system for your plants and setting up the right environmental conditions, you will need the equipment to ensure proper maintenance during growth. Maintenance is the key factor in the success of your hydroponic crops!
The maintenance routine will take you about 10 minutes once a week. Refilling water, fertilizing and balancing the pH levels, pruning bad leaves, and inspecting for insects - shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes a week.
Many people do it daily because it becomes addictive and calms the mind.
Why Nature Tech?
- Our hydroponic systems save up to 90% more water than traditional growing methods.
- All hydroponic growing systems are designed for modern life with maximum yield, minimum effort and endless beauty & joy.
- Our systems are made of food-safe plastics that don't contaminate the water with unhealthy compounds.
- Our compact and adaptable set-up can be used in large indoor spaces or a small balcony – whatever place you choose, your plants will flourish.
- Our home-growing systems are easy to use - even for beginner gardeners!
- With our systems, your plants grow up to 3x faster than in soil, so you’ll save more time!
- We’re here to offer help every step of the way. If you need advice or have any doubts, feel free to reach out to us!